Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Minggu, 05 Juli 2015


The community in the world now being were surprised by allow marriage in a similar or LGBT extensile who is Lesby, Gay, Bisexsual and Transgender in the United States. The presence of the news led to various te opinion of a great variety of parties and nations. One who gives a statement about the existence of LGBT is president of the united states Obama he said that LGBT is a human right where the LGBT entitled to live life free from fear, violence and discrimination regardless of any one of them and anyone they love. And what about other countries that the majority of muslim communities such as indonesia ?
If we compare the state of America and Indonesia are very different where as we all know indonesia is one of the islamic religious community that the majority .Indonesia is not perhaps the community support and follow the trail of LGBT  because that was the wrong thing and distorted in religious teachings .According to the science of psychology also stated that LGBT  is not classified as in social deviation , but because there was that abnormality that occurs in the bodies of persons .

            Actually the LGBT can be avoided by the presence of attention from various parties.For example the of intercommunication we must be smart chose which is fine and not to avoid from lgbt.In addition the government must also continue to provide supervision that more LGBT again to indonesia particularly in communities, moreover related to the marriage not until they were given the right to marry.In spite of that all special attention of the family is the most important